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How to install "SQLMAP" in your windows terminal

  Steps for the installation: Download the  python  from  and install it after completion of the downloading. Download the  sqlmap  zip file from  and extract the downloaded zip folder after completion of the downloading. Open the extracted zip file of the sqlmap and access the  command prompt  from the same path. Type  python ./  in the command prompt and   press  enter . YOU'RE DONE.

how to create google account [email]


Create a Google Account

A Google Account gives you access to many Google products. With a Google Account, you can do things like:

  • Send and receive email using Gmail
  • Find your new favorite video on YouTube
  • Download apps from Google Play

Step 1: Choose a Google Account type

Important: When you create a Google Account for your business, you can turn business personalization on. A business account also makes it easier to set up Google My Business, which helps improve your business visibility and manage your online information.

When you create a Google Account, we ask for some personal info. By providing accurate info, you can help keep your account secure and make our services more useful.

Tip: You don't need a Gmail account to create a Google Account. You can use your non-Gmail email address to create one instead.

  1. Go to the Google account Sign In page.
  2. Click Create account.
  3. Enter your name.
  4. In the "Username" field, enter a username.
  5. Enter and confirm your password.
  6. Click Next.
    • Optional: Add and verify a phone number for your account.
  7. Click Next.

Use an existing email address

  1. Go to the Google Account Sign In page.
  2. Click Create account.
  3. Enter your name.
  4. Click Use my current email address instead.
  5. Enter your current email address.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Verify your email address with the code sent to your existing email.
  8. Click Verify.

Step 2: Protect your account with recovery info

If you forget your password or someone is using your account without your permission, updated recovery info makes it much more likely you’ll get your account back.

Learn how to avoid getting locked out of your account.


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How to install "SQLMAP" in your windows terminal

  Steps for the installation: Download the  python  from  and install it after completion of the downloading. Download the  sqlmap  zip file from  and extract the downloaded zip folder after completion of the downloading. Open the extracted zip file of the sqlmap and access the  command prompt  from the same path. Type  python ./  in the command prompt and   press  enter . YOU'RE DONE.

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FARCRY 6 System Requirements

  FARCRY 6 System Requirements : OS: Win 10 64. Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz / AMD FX-8350. Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 390 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 4GB. VRAM: 2GB. System  Memory: 8 GB RAM. Storage: 50 GB Hard drive space.